Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I've never been one to make New Year's Resolutions, but this year I decided that I need to turn some of my dreams into reality. At the top of my list is travel. In 2012 I want to get a passport and take trips to both Paris (for vacation) and the Bahamas (for Paul's friend Scott's wedding). Lately I've also been thinking about going back to school for fashion merchandising. After some research I found a great online program at FIT and gave started the application process. In the midst of all these added expenses I still want to save a good chunk of money and move into a new apartment. Cross your fingers for me!

Paris in springtime.
Might be rocking one of these soon.
Money in the bank.
My dream apartment!


  1. Good luck with all your resolutions! I can not wait to see how they turn out. I am sure you can accomplish anything you set your mind to!

